Make music, connect with others and explore your musical identity

Musinc provides opportunities in Middlesbrough for people of all ages, backgrounds and circumstances.

Get involved

From regular groups to one-off events, Musinc has a variety of musical activities for all ages and abilities to get involved with!

Families sitting in a semi circle with drumming instruments
A boy playing a cello

Our offer for Tees Valley

We offer an amazing selection of events for Tees Valley schools – designed to bring live music experiences to young people at Middlesbrough Town Hall!

An orchestra performing on a stage
A school pupil clasping their hands together whilst singing

Visit and access information

Our events and activities programme is designed to be inclusive and accessible for everyone, no matter their needs.

An orchestra on stage during a concert with a ful audience
Children and adults sitting in a circle around a band playing musical instruments

Find out more

A band of teenage musicians performing a gig on stage


Explore our exciting events for young people, adults and families

A man playing percussive instruments


Discover our latest stories and what we've been up to across our projects

A tutor conducting an orchestra of young musicians

Contact us

Email us on or see more ways to get in touch