Online Resources

Below are some resources including music tutorials for you to follow at home, mental health resources for adults and young people as well as professional resources for our music leaders.
For more information please email
Existing music leaders can visit this page to download everything they need to run their music project. Access information can be found in your Musinc Handbook.
Music Technology
NCFE online lesson in music technology using ableton live
Walkthrough on changing guitar strings
Lockdown Beats
Day one / Day Two / Day Three / Day Four
Day one / Day two / Track 1 slow minor / Track 2 upbeat major / Songwriting guide
Mind is a mental health charity that have a mission to make sure no one has to face a mental health problem alone. They offer information and support through their Infoline and support line as well as many online resources. You can also contact Teesside’s Local Mind here.
The Everymind Mental Health Support Directory – Everymind At Work
This is another really useful directory particularly looking at mental health with information about may support services available and information on how to access support.
Making Every Contact Count is an organisation which aims to raise awareness, motivate and signpost people to better health and wellbeing in the North East and North Cumbria. This directory covers everything from help with finances to weight loss to support with energy bills and more!
Function Central – Guide to Supporting the Mental Health & Wellbeing of Musicians
The guide covers everything musicians, and those who work with musicians, need to know including: the most common mental health problems and causes in musicians, healthy practices for mental wellbeing, and where to get additional support.